
Frankye is a licensed acupuncturist and yogini committed to helping individuals achieve health and wellness – mind, body, and spirit. After completing her undergraduate education at Duke University, she went on to study various traditional and indigenous healing modalities. Her fascination with mobilizing the body’s innate healing power eventually inspired her to earn a certification in Ayurvedic Medicine from The Ayurvedic Institute and a Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (MAOM) from The New England School of Acupuncture (NESA) at MCPHS University.
While studying at NESA, she gained specialized training in orthopedic acupuncture, pediatric acupuncture, Japanese style acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, therapeutic yoga from Kripalu School of Yoga, and clinical research from Harvard University. To deepen her understanding and ability to treat mental and physical pain disorders, she completed a Master of Science in Pain Research Education and Policy at Tufts University School of Medicine.
This background combined with more than five years of clinical experience has taught Frankye how to maximize the unique therapeutic value of acupuncture, yoga, Ayurveda, and Chinese herbal medicine. She has witnessed personally and professionally the biopsychosocial transformation these methods facilitate – especially in cases of complex pain syndromes, emotional distress, and chronic health conditions.
Frankye’s unique perspective and skill set allow her to create a unique clinical experience. Empowering patients with information, strategies, and therapies that promote health and wellness, within and beyond the clinic, is her treatment philosophy. When appropriate, she augments acupuncture with herbal prescriptions, evidence-based movement therapy, breathwork, and diet/lifestyle recommendations to restore balance to one’s whole being and enhance quality of life.
Reading, art, laughter, moving in nature, studying Jyotish, collaborating with colleagues, and spending time with her fur baby are a few of the activities Frankye enjoys most.